Edwin Tantawi
Learn, Develop, InnovateI ‘m a student at STMIK Mikroskil Medan, and I am a Web Developer specializing in web design, and web frontend development from Indonesia.
Get In TouchWhat can i do
UI / UX Design
Develop a good user interface and user experience, with a beautiful and comfortable appearance for the user.
Web Design
Developing a website appearance based on design into a website that can be use. With good performance.
Web Development
Developing a very well-functioning website, various features and comfortable website performance.
Tech stack
Some Things I’ve Built
A web platform that provides hundreds of recipes from several countries. Cookingbox applies Progressive Web Apps (PWA) technology ...
a web that resembles whatsapp web, using ReactJS, MaterialUI, Firebase Firestore and Firebase Google Authentication ...
a software development technology web company profile with the concept of dark mode. enhancing the company's image ...
web that resembles the Pinterest website, using ReactJS technology, MaterialUI & Icons, with data from the Unsplash API ...
A cloned website from the google search engine, with similar functionality with ReactJS technology, and the Custom Search API ...
What’s next ?
Is there anything I can help you with? My inbox and social media are always open to you, feel free to ask, I will try my best for you. Thank you for visiting.